New Only actively promote the constru一些ction of the tr分員aining system and carry out staff tra吃村ining. Employee training is direct體短ly improve the ability of ma友農nagers and staff skills, provi吃還ding new ideas, fundamental app金筆roach and a great way to knowledge靜錯, information, skills, increase美匠 staff competence and d就能edication, innovative 雪大spirit.
In order for employees to be able to a煙書 deeper understanding of the rules 術錯and regulations and the com關有pany's corporate cultu算有re, to better integrate into the wor志鄉king environment, enhance thei票拿r sense of belonging and 多現a sense of respon那外sibility. Under the lead通器ership of the department mana她朋gers, the companies were in醫吃terns and new employees a comprehen厭討sive, multi-angle, sy友去stematic training.
相計 &來媽nbsp; &n看用bsp;  鐘哥; &n站拿bsp; &n匠章bsp; &nbs照腦p; 年匠 &nb新行sp; &道大nbsp; 數在 &n會作bsp; Intern Training司間 - Product Knowledge
飛女 &nbs去畫p;  東說; &nb靜小sp; &nbs市玩p;  和資; &去師nbsp; 黑鄉 &會花nbsp; &nbs身南p; 是山 錢見 &nb信我sp; 購算 Intern Training - enh老玩ance communication件湖 skills
&nb外上sp; &n文能bsp; 雜我 湖暗 呢多 跳風 &nbs窗來p; 麗工 &nb金著sp; &nb一城sp; 中暗 的現 &nbs問業p; &nbs商了p; 林妹 &nb森對sp; Intern Tra和報ining - Manager Shu
 高放; &nb話空sp; &nb快去sp; &nbs唱算p; &nb計做sp; 來可 &nbs制件p; 慢自 &n自文bsp; &nbs問下p; 山不 &器校nbsp;  遠秒; &音慢nbsp; Intern Training –Mana笑靜ger Cai