
Celebrate! NEW ONL作家Y PRINTING successfully passed the ce一對rtification of natio站服nal integration management sys做間tem


Warm celebration--NE醫算W ONLY PRINTING successfully passed the明請 certification of the integration of t會樹he two industrialization manag關業ement systems!

Wuhan NEW ONLY PRINTING Co., Ltd弟厭. launched a project for the integr這是ation of the two industries into a訊光 standard manageme也中nt system on March 24, 2017. 秒腦With the strong s到男upport of Wuhan Municipal Commission 上小of Economics and 件鐵Information Technology,裡會 the Ministry of Industry a頻家nd Information T要愛echnology and t輛相he Institute of Electronic Scie對車nce and Technology Info輛資rmation, under the carefu北雪l guidance of specially-appointed expe船錯rts and teachers, and thro快頻ugh the joint effo電海rts of all employees of the co裡鄉mpany, on November 20, 2017, it offi拍南cially obtained the assessment 微湖certificate for t又愛he integration 綠廠of the two industrial票這ization management systems i理多ssued by the Minist見火ry of Industry and如靜 Information Technology.


This time, our c多舞ompany was approved to be "integr通我ated integration manageme吧愛nt activities related to the rapid上女 response of customer orders an跳她d the building of accur弟學ate delivery capabilities". With少草 the "Internet雪身 + printing + fast overall so體從lution" business mod但秒el, it optimized the marketing mo知都del and accelerated Intelligent manu習道facturing process, improve precision行花 service level, and create a print音筆ing sharing platform.

"Made in China 2025" 間遠is the first ten-year action plan of 媽弟the Chinese government放草 to implement the strategy 文兒of manufacturing power. The integrat見東ion of the two industri白睡es is a specific implementation plan in雜腦 response to the樹空 "Made in China 2025". Dr章熱iving industrialization, pr會拍omoting informati為爸zation with industrialization, and le明話ading enterprises to transf如少orm into modern intelligent m了會anufacturing enterprises have a pr輛樂ofound impact o什下n the long-term development of enterpri兒河ses.


        At presen服科t, there are 1000 enter腦在prises passing the integra女飛tion and implement明什ation of informatization and industrial對吃ization in China, a厭懂nd there are a total of 50 en城請terprises approved by Hubei歌為 Province, including only one prin子公ting company-- NEW ONLY PRINTING校們.

The company keeps pace with the 金音development of th用得e times, thoroughly stud作水ies and implements the requirements o友關f the integrated management s土新ystem of the two industries, 小頻and takes the ro對北ad of new Internet慢化 printing development!

I want to share市輛 every joy with you as soo她工n as possible, and ev討問ery progress can not be separated 很弟from the support of all partners!房土

Thanks to all my friends along the都問 way ~

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